Ger is a member of GEST and is GESTs theatre and set designer.
He has worked on many of GESTs productions including; I and You, Every Brilliant Thing, Broken Biscuits, These Halcyon Days, The Events, Yen, Belongings Expectations, My Romantic History, This Wide Night, Contractions, Stones in His Pockets and After The End.
Ger has worked as a freelance set designer since the late eighties and has his base at Theater Trixter, Gothenburg, Sweden. He trained at the Royal Art Academy in The Hague, Netherlands in interior design, but has also been working with architecture as well as snow and ice sculpting.
As a set designer he has been working in various fields like theatre, opera and musicals. His credits include set design for Världens Bästa Begravningar (Nilsson/Quandt) and direction and set design for Röntgenbilden av en Groda (Wolter/Evers) at Teater Trixter, The Wedding of Figaro (Mozart) and L'elisir d'Amore (Donazetti) at Folkoperan in Stockholm, Breaking the Waves (von Trier/Nielsen) at Folkteatern in Gothenburg, Buried Child, Eyes for Consuela, The Lie of the Mind, When the World Was Green (Shepard), The Collector (Pinter), Winter (Fosse), Splendour (Morgan), The Friends (Wesker), Lafinta di Gardinieri, Cosi fan tutte, Don Giovanni (Mozart), Medium, Konsuln (Menotti), L'opera Seria (Gasmann), Cities of Angels (Coleman/Zippel), Into the Woods (Sondheim), West Side Story (Bernstein).