GEST aims to bring the very best of British contemporary drama in its original language to Sweden and most often presents Scandinavian premieres. We are interested in new writing from the UK (or other English speaking countries) and especially plays that have not been produced elsewhere.
We encourage submissions but the best way to ensure that your script will be read is to send it during a Call for New Writing when we are actively looking for new scripts (see below).
Calls for New Writing
Nothing at present.
When we are actively looking for new writing submissions, it will be announced here.
Unsolicited scripts
Please note that we are unable to read all unsolicited scripts, as we are a small team. If we do get back to you it may take some time, so we ask for your patience.
Please do not send us short plays (less than 40 minutes) unless we specifically ask for it in a Call for New Writing (see above).
We don't often produce plays with a cast of more than four.
If you do want to send us an unsolicited script, please do so with a small synopsis of the plot and a character breakdown. If you have more than one play you wish to send to us, please choose the one you think would suit us best. Unless we specifically ask to see further examples of your work, please wait at least twelve months before submitting any more plays to us.