The P Word
by Waleed Akhtar
To book tickets for performances 18, 19, 25, 26 March, 1, 2, 8, 9 April at 13.00 , please log in to your KuBo account.
These performances are only available through KuBo.
To book tickets for any evening performances, please fill out the form below.
Ticket price for schools within Gothenburg: 40 SEK per student.
Ticket price for schools outside of Gothenburg: 140 SEK per student.
Ticket price for folkhögskolor within and outside of Gothenburg: 140 SEK per student.
Two teachers per 30 students attend for free.
All prices include 6% VAT (MOMS).
*This booking form is for grundskola and gymnasiet only. For Folkhögskola and other adult education, contact Production Manager Sarah Johansson at or 031 42 50 65
The Teacher's Resource Pack will be distributed and available to download one week before the premiere.